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Livistona Rotundifolia

Country: Sri-Lanka
VBN: 19459
Available: Year Round
Length: 25-30 Cm

Livistona has about 4,000 different species. The name Livistona refers to Patrick Murray, the 17th-century baron of Livingstone. He was a noted botanist and co-founder of the Edinburgh Botanical Garden in Scotland.

One of the species of Livistona that we sell frequently is the Livistona Rotundifolia, also called the fan palm or parasol palm. In its areas of origin, the leaves of the Livistona Rotundifolia are used to make thatched roofs and to wrap food. With us, the leaf is mainly used in bouquets and arrangements.

The leaf of the Livistona Rotundifolia is glossy green and pinnate. The leaf fingers are attached to each other in a fan shape. They grow from the center of the plant.